Tuesday, April 27, 2010

stick a fork in me

So I am really struggling right now. I am so tired of not sleeping and being tired all the time. My whole life consists of work and going home to rest, not sleep, just rest. My weekends are spent trying to catch up on the rest that I didn't get throughout the week. I love my kids at my job but I am ready to be done. My husband may be gone for two weeks or more for training and I will be left to fend for myself and when I have no energy after I get home, cooking can be a huge task. I have a lot of pressure to finish my hours so we can get the education credit but my lack of desire and energy just makes me want to be done. I don't know how women do it sometimes. So right now I am on the verge of tears, have already cried once this morning for being so tired and not wanting to go in. I am ready to be done with transitions. I want to be packing my house and moving, and if I can't do that at least ENJOY the last few weeks here without pressure, tears, tiredness beyond measure. So can someone justify all of this so I feel better a little bit????? So now that I have finished my rant, someone stick a fork in me, I'm done!!!!!

P.S. on a brighter side, pics of baby D. soon to come.
P.S.S for the movie lovers, there has been an Isma sighting in Hancock. Lots of wrinkles and scary beyond all reason.


  1. Your hormones are going crazy because of the baby. And I'm not sure about the moving thing, but I know that is stressful too. It's OK to breakdown now & again. Kinda makes you see why women aren't really meant to do it all... sorry if I offend anyone!

  2. Well, I know when I was having my children....oh wait, I don't have any children. Well I'm no help at all! And P.S. I am SO offended by Cristi's comment. I am mega-woman and I do it all.....from my throne that is my bed.

  3. One of my kids asked me the other day if I was going to be a princess, and I said, "oh I do hope so." in my very best princess voice. And oh the happiest princess I would be if my throne was my bed Elizabeth. - Sara Detig

  4. Oh yes I feel your pain. It is a difficult stage that you are in but it will get better I promise (and then it will get worse again but we won't worry about that now). It is so true what Cristi said and thank goodness I am not the only one who offends people. Women are not meant to do it all. I mean my goodness, isn't it enough that you are working hard to create a life let alone having to fix dinner - seriously.
