So I received my first baby gifts in the mail this week. The first one was from Grandma Barb(I knew it would be her). We have our first baby book, and a cute (very unisex) footed outfit. The next day Grandma Carol sent us some bibs and short sleeve onesies. She also sent me a bible study helping me prepare spiritually for motherhood. This was EXACTLY what I needed. Over the last week God has been showing me that our family really needs consistency and we are working on it. If the habit of family Bible study isn't established before baby comes it will be out the window once it arrives. God has been really laying it on my heart lately to make sure that I am spiritually ready and I will admit that I am FAR FROM IT!!!!!!!!! I truly believe that our family has a special calling to be all over this world spreading the gospel, due to the nature and possibilities of Ryan's job; and we don't want to miss out on that at all. If you would please pray for us as we strive to be more Christlike and disciplined to our convictions.
Sickness update: Today is a good day. I am tired but not sick. Tomorrow it will be the opposite. But hopefully it will all be over soon. Thanks for praying and reading.
pics of baby Detig coming April 30th.
Same Story, Different Version
11 years ago
what bible study are you doing?