Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We have had so many changes in our lives recently I thought I would write and inform you of some. First we are not living in a hotel for the first time in five months. We moved into the apartment today! We are sleeping on air mattresses and using paper plates until our stuff comes Friday. We bought a couch and a crib. Things are moving right along, until Friday and our life and home becomes a wreck with tons and tons of boxes to be unpacked.
A pleasant change was we got to see family. My in-laws came out for a week and we had a great time. They were troopers in helping us go shopping for things and adjusting to moving. We did take them to a beach in RI for a few hours, it was our last visit before fall and baby and more madness.
In regards to physical changes, I have only half a belly button now. In the last week I have popped a bit. Everyone is still shocked at how "small" I am but my new maternity pant size says differently. Thankfully it was just one size up, anything else would have devastated me. I also chopped all my hair off. They cut 8 inches. I think the last straw was taking hours of brushing through beach hair. So cut it I did. Ryan says, "I got a whole new wife". He has never seen me with short hair before and lots of bangs but he likes it. It was theraputic to lose all that, I feel like a new person. Maybe a little more ready to take on the upcoming changes. And looking a little more chic while I go. This Thursday I have a doctor's appt and we will be at 29 weeks. I am hoping these last 11 or less, knock on wood will pass by quickly. I am ready to see our little girl. In my daydreams I picture her to have Ryan's tan skin tone, dark curly hair and hopefully blue or green eyes. She will be average size but will look so small in her big daddy's arms. We are both so excited and can't wait. I can tell Ryan is looking forward to her arrival as much as I am. He even comments on how cute her clothes are that we receive. I finally found the perfect first outfit for her. I had been searching diligently but with no luck. Then last night at Target with my mother in law I found it. It brought tears to my eyes so we bought it. $6 of adorableness. Now may the rest of her wardrobe for years to come be as cheap as this. Charlie's bedding has been ordered but the nursery will take a back seat while we settle in our apartment.
Our last change that I will write about is we have made a friend. The Damdars have come to our rescue. Ray and his wife (who just had a baby) go to the same church we do. We are going to their house on Saturday for dinner and games. Oh to have friends and something to do with people other than ourselves. I don't know Ray except for a short wedding weekend of his sister-in-law and my friend Julie but I do know Ray's twin, Sherwin and I am sure we will have a blast.
Pics will come later. Sorry for the lateness. My new self will be posting more often.
Love and blessings

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